Greetings to all who regularly visit this blog and to those who happen upon by chance!
The holidays are upon us, so I'll start by saying a warm and heartfelt Merry Christmas to all. If Christmas isn't your bag, than happy & merry salutations to you for whatever is important in your life at this time of year.
Financial meltdown, recession, multiple wars, massive unemployment. The list of things to be concerned about goes on and on. When things get like this, I manage to ground myself by harking back to the 3 spheres I apply in both my personal and professional life to keep from being overwhelmed.
Here they are from 1st to last.
Control - Is it within my sphere of control? Can I control the events that are unfolding? If yes, I act. If no, I move on to the next one.
Influence - Is it within my sphere of influence? Can things I do or say have meaningful influence on the events that are unfolding? If yes, I act or speak. If no, I move on to the next one.
Concern - This is where 80 % of things fall. Is it within my sphere of concern? If yes, I make note of it, I adjust my long or short term plans and goals if prudent and I move on with my life. If no, then it's a non issue and I pay it no further mind.
I know this sounds simple. It is simple. Remember the principle of Occam's Razor/ Loosely translated: "All things being equal, the simplest solution is usually the right one."
That's all I have to say for now. Merry Christmas.
Be nice.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Time to rethink our strategy...
I know it's been a while since I blogged. Life gets busy.
Now that Hilary is out and it looks like a horse race of Old Bitter vs. Young Hubris, I think we really need to look at where we've been and where we want to be.
I was once a McCain supporter. Back in 99, after reading Faith of my Fathers and watching a truly independent spirited man stand up for what he claimed he believed in, I drank the cool-aid. I believed what he said. Hell, I even bought the t-shirts!
Then, he was brutally smeared by Rove and Company. He caved in to the pressure and began the long suck up to the religious right and the Bush/Cheney machine. That was it for me. I swore then and I repeat it now. I will never vote for that man as long as I live! As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!"
And in the immortal words of The WHO, "We won't get fooled again!"

Now, back to the topic. Obama may not have been my first choice, but I firmly believe he is our only choice at this point.
Is he a bit high on himself? Sure
Does he think he's smarter than the average American? I sure as hell hope so! :-)
The last 7 years have been brutal on our economy. Our standing in most of the world is in shambles (certain areas of Africa & South America where we've been helping to fight aids and malaria notwithstanding). Our citizens are sorely disillusioned and we need to fix things.
It's going to be a long haul. Four years won't be nearly enough. But, it'll be a start. It will show the world that we are not all Bushites who want to democratize the world. It will show ourselves that we can do better and we will have hope once again.
And for the young 'uns reading this.
Now that Hilary is out and it looks like a horse race of Old Bitter vs. Young Hubris, I think we really need to look at where we've been and where we want to be.
I was once a McCain supporter. Back in 99, after reading Faith of my Fathers and watching a truly independent spirited man stand up for what he claimed he believed in, I drank the cool-aid. I believed what he said. Hell, I even bought the t-shirts!
Then, he was brutally smeared by Rove and Company. He caved in to the pressure and began the long suck up to the religious right and the Bush/Cheney machine. That was it for me. I swore then and I repeat it now. I will never vote for that man as long as I live! As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!"
And in the immortal words of The WHO, "We won't get fooled again!"
Now, back to the topic. Obama may not have been my first choice, but I firmly believe he is our only choice at this point.
Is he a bit high on himself? Sure
Does he think he's smarter than the average American? I sure as hell hope so! :-)
The last 7 years have been brutal on our economy. Our standing in most of the world is in shambles (certain areas of Africa & South America where we've been helping to fight aids and malaria notwithstanding). Our citizens are sorely disillusioned and we need to fix things.
It's going to be a long haul. Four years won't be nearly enough. But, it'll be a start. It will show the world that we are not all Bushites who want to democratize the world. It will show ourselves that we can do better and we will have hope once again.
And for the young 'uns reading this.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Clinton / Richardson 2008
Here's what I believe about this year's election.
We can't afford to have a new candidate for change inheriting the mess of the past 7 years. Like it or not, we need someone who knows how the Washington machine runs and who will be realistic in their approach to fixing it.
We also need a veep who has street creds in the international community, who will hit the ground running to mend fences around the world and who knows what it takes to deal with the cast of characters all over the globe.
Hillary can accomplish much of what is required on the domestic front with respect to the economy, infringements of civil liberties, lack of adequate health care and repealing the unfunded mandate that is No Child Left Behind! VP Richardson can set to work securing nuclear weapons that are unaccounted for, establishing relations with nations we've ignored for the past 7 years and, hell, maybe even open up Cuba! Be a nice play for a tropical vacation!
That's all I have time for at the moment. Clinton / Richardson. Think about it!
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