Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Sad day for America. Sad day for the world.

Well, it's happened. The most arrogant, impetuous, and quite possibly most dangerous president this country as ever seen has managed to secure himself another 4 years in office.

Who's to blame for this? Well, I'd have to say the blame falls a bit on all of us. To the sheep who voted for him out of fear and ignorance (this would be the "don't change horses midstream crowd"), to the Democrats who failed to nominate a charismatic as well as competent candidate who was able to connect with the American electorate, and to the people who failed to get out the vote when it was most crucial.

We can try to kid ourselves into thinking it may be different this time. The truth is, it'll probably be worse. Bush will be more arrogant than ever with those who voted against him as well as with the nations of the world that disagree with him and the policies of his administration. He will likely be emboldened by this victory and will happily ignore the fact that 55 million people voted to get rid of him and the failed policies of his cronies.

My advice to all of you is to keep your head down, keep your nose clean and get to work with the Howard Deans of the political world to formulate a plan to salvage this country in four years, because believe me, we are going to need to be saved! We'll lose more men and women in Iraq, we'll sink more money that we don't have into the war, we'll continue to be held hostage by the fear and intimidation of the Bush/Cheney realm and we'll further alienate the rest of the world. We can only hope and pray that we don't have to fight a war on another front, because if we need 800 British troops to cover for us in Baghdad before we can sent troops to Fallujah, we are really in a world of hurt militarily and no amount of spin from Karl Rove will save us.

Be nice.


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