Friday, April 14, 2006

Unanswered questions.

I'm not a big conspiracy theorist. Nor am I a blind follower of our elected leaders.

I feel it's important to put that out for you before you take the time to look at the video about September 11, 2001 linked below. The narrator of this film asks a lot of questions. Perhaps they are some of the very same questions you've asked yourself over the past several years.

The upcoming cinematic release of a film purporting to chronicle the last minutes of United Airlines Flight 93 got me to thinking recently and I felt it was important that every voice be heard on issues that are deemed controversial.

It's been interesting to me to learn of the dissenting voices surrounding the birth of our nation and reading "His Excellency, George Washington", "John Adams" and "1776" have reminded me how important it is for all of us to question what our leaders tell us. To refuse to follow blindly and to assert our right to be told the truth regardless of how we may be branded as unpatriotic or giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

In fact, nothing could be more patriotic than questioning our leaders and rebelling against injustice. As to giving aid and comfort, how do we even know who the real enemy is? Food for thought.

Let's all be thankful mid-term elections are coming this fall and 2008 is just around the corner!

Be nice.


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