Saturday, October 23, 2004

Paris trip in peril.

Due to unforeseen illness among one of the sitters we had lined up, the Paris trip is in peril. Options are few. Attempt to further take advantage of goodwill of remaining sitters (all are family members), buy a pair of tickets for the kids at a total of $2000. ouch, or bag the trip and eat the loss since it's almost all prepaid.

Puts me into reality mode, where I try to deal with the logic surrounding the issue and convince myself that it makes more sense to lose 2k than to spend 3k more to salvage a relatively short trip anyway. On the other hand, it might be more fun than I think with the kids along.

Anyway, I know most people wish this was all they had for problems. I'm not really complaining. Just trying to sort it through.

Be nice.


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