Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Going Green

Anyone who knows me will be shocked yet not totally suprised to learn that I am planning to give up my beloved Audi and start driving a Japanese import.

A confluence of events have brought me to this decision.

* Gas retailing at over $3.00 per gallon. The Audi needs Premium!
* A recent viewing of Nova. A spectacular program on Solar Dimming. Scary stuff!
* The astronomical cost of insuring an aluminum luxury car.

Add to this a 110 mile round trip commute every day and it's not hard to see why something has to give. Truth be told, the fuel cost is a motivating factor here but the fact that we are within 10 years of what is considered to be the point of no return for starting to repair the environmental damage we've done is really pushing me to act.

Here's the new ride that we're looking at.

Here's a link to the Nova program.

In the end, I need to do what I can to help leave a living planet to my children and to the children I hope they will one day have. Maybe we can all think about this.

Go Green.

Be nice.


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