Saturday, November 12, 2011

Real food.

I know it's been quite some time since I last posted here.

As most of you know, I'm a big proponent of sustainability and today's post is all about self sustainability.

Here's the recap of the last year in a nutshell. Stress, stress, stress. What this led to was fatigue, difficulty maintaining my usual positive attitude and sleeplessness. (although, to be fair, I've never required much sleep, but interrupted sleep is the worst!)

Here's the remedy. Raw foods, vitamins, fish oil, exercise.

RAW FOODS: At least half of each meal consists of raw fruits and vegetables (organic mostly). Processed foods have been reduced to less than 25% of my intake.

VITAMINS: Multivitamin that includes spirulina (aka super blue green algae). Nutrex Hawaiian Men's Multi-vitamin with Spirulina Pacifica is my choice.

FISH OIL: xtendlife's Omega 3 / QH Ultra with ubiquinol

EXERCISE: Treadmill 20-30 minutes 3 times a week so far(fast walking/light jogging) as my old knee injury from high school prevents heavy prolonged impacts. And running. Not running as most people think of it, but parking far out in the lot running from the car to the market door. Running while playing with the kids. Running because it's fun like when we were little and we ran all the time!

  • More energy than I've felt since I was 19 years old!
  • More positive outlook and mental clarity than I've had in years!
  • Feeling of happiness and well-being knowing that I'm using food as nutrition as it was intended by nature.
  • Happier family (as they're eating real food and loving it and we're all enjoying feeling better, more energetic and happy to be supporting local and organic farmers.
You may be wondering what drove me to these changes. Fair question. I've long been concerned about where our food comes from and the steady decline of family farms. After watching Food Inc. and King Corn I started getting more interested in making a change. Seeing Food Matters pushed me over the edge. If you've not seen any or all of these documentary films, I strongly encourage you to do so. Watch Gasland and IOUSA while you are at it!

After a few hours well spent watching these films you'll understand what is meant by those bumper stickers that say "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!"

Change starts with ourselves. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be nice.


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